Articles Interpersonal Living Your Best Life

The Golden Rule

“…all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for
this is the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 7:12) 
How difficult is it to treat others well when they have been unkind to us?
Perhaps sometimes we feel justified in withholding goodness based upon the way that another
has treated us. Yet, to do so is to place a condition on this command that isn’t there.
How many family relationships, marriages, friendships, churches etc… Have split or been
dissolved because of a failure to properly apply the Golden Rule?
“I will be good to my family as long as they treat me well…”
“I will be nice to my spouse as long as he or she is nice to me…”
“I will be good to my friend as long as he or she does good by me…”
“I will treat my brother or sister in Christ well as long as they treat me well.”
There is no “as long as” in Matthew 7:12.
The Sermon on the Mount is calling on us to live by a higher standard; one that is sometimes
challenging for us.
Perhaps we have family members who are difficult to deal with. It could be that they don’t
always treat us in a way that is kind, but as citizens of the Kingdom we are to rise above that.
Paul writes, in Romans 12:21 “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Could it
be that we are the difficult one to deal with?)
In regards to marriage conflict will arise from time to time; how do we respond?
If we are resolute to practice what is taught in Matthew 7:12 as it pertains to our spouse our
relationship will be impacted in a very positive way.
However, if we live by the rule that says I’ll be good to him or her in as much as they are
good to me it will severely damage our relationship with our spouse.
As it pertains to the church, how much division could be avoided among Christians if the
command of Jesus in Matthew 7:12 was employed?
When Christians sit in the same assembly of our LORD and dare not look in one another’s
direction, it’s clear that one or more individuals are not putting into practice what this verse
Matthew 7:12 is a character building command that will enrich all of our relationships when put
into practice. Practicing the “Golden Rule” is to be like Christ; let us all strive to be like Christ.