
Sovereignty Under Control

In our Wednesday night Bible study we’ve been studying the book of Nahum. One verse that has really had a profound impact upon my appreciation of the sovereignty of GOD is Nahum 1:3 where the prophet says, “The LORD is slow to anger and great in power and will not at all acquit the wicked.” This verse is remarkable when you consider the longsuffering of GOD in relation to the power He possesses. Just prior to V3 Nahum says, “…the LORD is jealous…” and goes to emphasize that He takes vengeance upon those who make themselves His enemy. But when would the right time be? I like to think of this verse as describing sovereignty under control. GOD’S people may have thought He was indifferent or had forgotten about them, yet He was well aware of the iniquity of the Ninevites. Less than 100 years earlier the Ninevites were recipients of GOD’S mercy when they turned to the LORD at the preaching of Jonah, yet they turned back again to their wicked ways and GOD knew. 

Why did He delay in taking vengeance? 

Would we have waited if we possessed the power of GOD?   

Nahum reveals that the time would come when Nineveh would be forced to bear the burden of GOD’S wrath yet it would be in His time and would be consistent with His will. Consider having this great power yet being able to withhold judgement. The wicked will not go unpunished; however it will be when their iniquity is full; in GOD’S time. In other words, those who are recipients of GOD’S wrath have not nor will be dealt with unfairly. GOD knows the hearts of all men and will not act a moment too early or a second too late but rather at the perfect time as it accords with His perfect will. What a remarkable statement made about our great GOD in Nahum 1:3; sovereignty under control.