
The LORD is Good… Is He Good for Me?

Nahum 1:7-8

In Nahum 1 the prophet describes our LORD in various ways that highlight His greatness and how it benefits those who trust in Him. Nahum 1:7 provides such an example and the following verse shows us the other side for those who fail to trust in the LORD. The context is Nineveh’s burden and the prophet has been speaking of the fact that GOD is all powerful yet longsuffering, consistent and on-time. Just prior to V7 in Vs.3-5 Nahum speaks of GOD’S sovereign control in relation to nature and then poses two questions in V6 “Who can stand before his indignation?” and “Who can abide in the fierceness of his anger?” The obvious answer is no one. The LORD will take vengeance on His adversaries Nahum 1:2 however (V7) “The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.”

How is the LORD good?

Nahum says that He is a stronghold, meaning that He’s a fortified place; figuratively a defense: – force, fort (-ress), rock, strength (-en), (X most) strong (hold).

The LORD is a fortified place; He is a defense in the day of trouble or the day of adversity, affliction, anguish or distress; for whom? Those who “…trust HIM…” To trust Him in this verse means to flee to for protection; figuratively to confide in: – have hope (in), make refuge (in), (put) trust (in).

For those who flee to Him in the day tribulation He will be their rock of defense. This is a message that should comfort and reassure GOD’S people and cause those who make themselves enemies of GOD to reconsider their ways and turn to Him. The fact that He is a rock to those who trust Him should be motivation enough; however, there is further incentive to flee to the LORD. The LORD is good to those who trust Him, but V8 “…with and overflowing flood He will make an utter end of its place and darkness will pursue His enemies.”

On the one hand He is a fortress to those who trust in Him, yet, to those who make themselves opponents of His, with an overflowing flood He will make an utter end to its place.

The word utter (kâlâh kaw-law’) means a completion or consummation. The promise made to those who would be adversaries of GOD in this context was complete eradication and darkness would pursue them. Misery, destruction and death shall run after or chase those who choose to be enemies of Jehovah.

Consider the contrast… The word trust in V7 means to flee to for protection. Link that to the fact that GOD is a refuge and fortress and we therefore flee to Him for protection. To those who choose to make themselves foes of GOD, they likewise will flee, but not to GOD, rather they flee because they are being pursued by destruction and death; fleeing from darkness into darkness. We too have a choice. GOD is a fortress in the day of adversity to those who flee to Him for protection however darkness will pursue His enemies. Are we fleeing to GOD or being pursued by darkness?